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The federal government wants to punish doctors who blow the whistle on the illegal and unethical medical abuse of children rather than the doctors and hospital officials perpetrating such horrors.
Telling the truth comes with a cost, and that’s a lesson that Dr. Eithan Haim knows well.
Last year, Haim revealed that the Texas Children’s Hospital was carrying out life-altering, irreversible sex change procedures on minors — despite having previously promised it would stop such “treatments” due to increasing state scrutiny from the Texas government and potential legal issues.
One of those patients was a healthy 11-year-old “female-to-male transgender person” girl who was outfitted surgically with an implant containing a puberty blocker.
As a result of Haim’s decision to blow the whistle, the Texas legislature passed a bill — which was quickly signed into law — to make such child-abusive interventions illegal.
But Haim, 30, a surgeon with a wife and his first child on the way, has paid a high price for his bravery.
In June 2023, he received a knock on the door from federal agents who told him he was a “potential target” of “an investigation involving alleged violation of federal criminal law related to medical records,” as Haim detailed in an article for City Journal.
A year later, the Department of Justice formally charged Haim “with four criminal violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),” legislation meant to protect patient records.
The problem for the DOJ is that, when Haim leaked the story, he carefully removed all of the names of the children who were the subject of the transgender surgeries, meaning that their identities and other personal information were not made public knowledge.
And to make things even worse, it was recently revealed that Melanie Fontes-Rainer, the government official whose office handles HIPAA complaints, spoke at a Health and Human Services (HHS) meeting encouraging a crackdown on whistleblowers who expose abuses of children in the name of so-called “gender-affirming care” — a demand that came just days before Haim received a visit from the federal agents.
The federal government’s targeting of Haim in this way has been called by many a “political prosecution,” with one former HHS official describing the decision to prosecute Haim a “nuclear bomb.”
The same official claimed that HIPAA referrals are “extremely rare” and usually involve “the most extreme, knowing, and willful violation of the law that would be designed for some sort of personal financial gain” — something that almost certainly does not apply to Haim’s case, who appears motivated by a genuine desire to expose wrongdoing.
Haim’s example is not just a showcase in courage. His treatment by the proponents of transgenderism also demonstrates that promoting transgenderism involves not just one sin, but a complex and ever-expanding web of sins that feed off each other.
Unrepentant sin always leads to other sins — something that we see from the example of David’s life. David indulged in the sin of idleness, remaining in Jerusalem when his soldiers were fighting Israel’s enemies, the Ammonites. This sin led him to see Bathsheba and commit adultery with her, which in turn led to him murdering her husband, Uriah the Hittite, to cover up his crime, yet one more sin.
Similarly, is it any wonder that pushing transgender “medicine” on children leads to a multitude of other sins? Corrupting the weakest and most vulnerable members of society, putting them on an irreversible path that will lead to lifelong bodily damage and, tragically, even suicide, demonstrates a depth of depravity that always takes hold and grows in societies that ignore God and His precepts.
And once you indulge in such a horrendous sin, what’s to stop you from lying about it as the Texas Children’s Hospital did? Once your conscience is already seared by the act of sacrificing children on the altar of gender ideology, what’s “one little lie” if it’s done in furtherance of your ideology?
And it’s not just the Texas Children’s Hospital that’s lying. The advocates of transgenderism lie to children that being transgender is “courageous” and “beautiful,” that this lifestyle will somehow make them more special, thereby leading these insecure, still-maturing victims onto a destructive path because they want to fit in. And they lie to parents by saying that transgender “treatments” are fully reversible, that they are “gender-affirming,” and that children with gender dysphoria who don’t receive the “standard” drugs and surgeries will inevitably commit suicide.
And if you’re already sinning by pushing children onto this path and then engaging in deception to cover that up, then why let someone like Dr. Haim get in the way of that instead of marshaling the full force of the law to bear down on him and any other dissenters?
Haim’s example should thus serve as both a warning and an inspiration. It’s a warning against the sins of gender ideology and how its excesses can spiral out of control and ruin countless lives on the way, both the lives of the children involved and anyone who tries to dissent. But Haim’s example should also serve as an inspiration to fight even harder against this sin and protect its most vulnerable victims.
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