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Do you have a biblical worldview? Take our test and find out now!

Are you 1 out of 25?  According to Barna Research, only 4% of Americans have a biblical worldview. 

Since 1988, more than 125,000 Christian high school students and faculty, as well as youth groups have taken Nehemiah Institute’s assessment called the PEERS Test. Now, anyone can take the test online!

This valid and reliable inventory measures biblical worldview in five areas – Politics, Economics, Education, Religion, and Social (PEERS). Simply agree or disagree with 70 statements.

The test is 20-minutes and results are immediate. No one will see your scores. Only you will know the results.  The answer key contains links to PDF position papers on 28 questions (nearly 200 pages); information that can prompt conversations in Sunday Schools, home groups, water fountains, and dinner tables.

Take the test today:

  1. Go to worldviewcheckup.org and follow the prompts.
  2. Use Ambassador Code, LU101 for a 20% discount which also lets Nehemiah Institute know that the Standing for Freedom Center introduced you. 
  3. Encourage others to take the PEERS Test using the same link, worldviewcheckup.org, and the LU101 Ambassador Code.  

Thank you for supporting the Standing for Freedom Center!  

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