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Swiss parents continue to fight after the state takes away and transitions their child


Parents across the West must recognize that the left has declared cultural and spiritual war on the family and that they no longer have a choice but to engage in the battle — for what’s at stake is nothing short of the physical well-being of their children and the sanctity of the parent-child bond.

Switzerland’s Federal Supreme Court has temporarily suspended criminal charges against a couple who refused to turn over their daughter’s identity documents after she was removed from their home for refusing to transition her.

The girl’s father has called it a “nightmare” as he and his wife have had their daughter “taken” away from them by the state.

According to the parents, who for the safety of their family remain anonymous, the issue began during the COVID lockdowns when their daughter was 13 years old and spending much of her time alone in her room and on the Internet. Coming out of the pandemic, she informed her parents that she was a boy.

The parents agreed to seek medical help and took her to the Geneva Hospital, where their daughter was shown the “Gender Unicorn” chart which tells children that they can choose their gender based on feelings.

After a 30-minute meeting, doctors told them that they needed to start their daughter on puberty blockers.

The parents refused, and instead took their daughter to a psychiatrist.

In the meantime, the girl’s school began socially transitioning her, using a male name and pronouns despite the parents’ clear instruction that they did not want the school transitioning her.

After the parents shared scientific and medical evidence, including the decisions by numerous countries to halt gender affirmation treatments on minors, the school worked with a transgender advocacy organization and the state child welfare agency to have the girl removed from her home and the custody of her parents.

In a meeting government officials told the parents that they had committed child abuse by seeking alternative treatment and to “just accept that you have a son.”

The transgender activist organization told the girl that the psychiatrist her parents had chosen was a “transphobe,” and she immediately stopped treatment.

In April 2023, a court order removed the girl from the parents’ home and placed her in government custody. The girl is now in a government home and the state regulates contact between her and her parents.

As a result of this action, the girl may now pursue transgender medical procedures without parental consent.

On February 28, 2024, a court ordered that the parents turn over their daughter’s identity documents to have her identity officially changed to male. The parents refused and faced criminal charges.

Last week the parents filed an appeal claiming that their daughter is unable to understand the consequences of a medical transition and that her state appointed lawyer has not submitted any assessment of her ability to understand the consequences which is required by law.

Following their appeal the Swiss Federal Supreme Court suspended criminal charges against the couple. The case is expected to take six months to decide.

“No person is born in the wrong body. Taking an adolescent [and] telling him or her that he or she is born in the wrong body is cruel,” said the father.

“We want our daughter back home,” said her mother. “We love her and we miss her. My son, he feels like his sister is missing. He has written her several letters, but we haven’t heard back from her.”

“There’s no one else beyond parents who will ever bring and cultivate the love that the children need to be the best they can be, to go on and not only fulfill their dreams but to create their own families in the future,” her father stated.

Dr. Felix Boellmann, lead lawyer on the case for ADF International, said in a press release,

“Not only have these parents not had their concerns addressed by the court, but they have also endured a severe violation of their rights as loving parents, with the court transferring authority over their daughter’s medical care from them to the state, in addition to ordering that she reside in a government shelter. It is the responsibility of the Supreme Court to correct this grave injustice.”

This is a tragic story of gender ideology ruining a girl and her family’s lives. A rogue school that should have no say in the medical decisions of a young girl facilitated the transition and kidnapping of a girl from her parents because it opposed them ideologically.

The state, in a gross overextension of its authority, actually stole this child from her parents.

Now she is in a government home, separated from her parents and her brother, and on the path to a potential lifetime of drugs, surgeries, and harmful consequences because of the lies of a movement that doesn’t care about the well-being of children nor about the irresponsible and authoritarian actions of the state.

Is she really better off now than with her loving parents who were seeking to help her — and who will love her unconditionally?

Sadly, this story is playing out in countries around the West, including in the United States.

In a case that is hauntingly similar to that of the Swiss parents, a Maryland couple, military veterans no less, have filed suit against a Washington, D.C., hospital after the hospital effectively kidnapped their autistic son when they refused to allow him to be transitioned by hospital staff. They have since lost custody of their son.

According to the suit, the 16-year-old harmed himself after a breakup with his girlfriend and was taken to Children’s National Hospital. While at the hospital his parents were told he wanted to be a girl, and the family needed to refer to him with female pronouns.

The parents rejected the hospital’s recommendation; they claim the hospital then began a “full-on campaign to transgender this child” including “mental re-programming,” like being forced to write letters to his friends saying he rejected his male identity.

The hospital allegedly kept the boy for 41 days before he was placed in a foster home. In July 2022, months after being removed from his parents’ home, the boy attempted suicide.

The boy is now 18 and no longer must return to his parents’ home.

Parental rights must be protected and ideologues must not be allowed to insert themselves between parents and their children. The evidence is clear, gender affirmation is not based in science but in orthodoxy — an orthodoxy which preys on vulnerable children.

Parents are now losing their children to this ideology because they don’t realize what’s happening. They think they can trust and confide in teachers, school officials, healthcare professionals, counselors, and social workers, but they no longer can. Instead, parents must take a very proactive, discerning response when confronted with an “expert” who insists that their child needs to be socially or physically transitioned.

Parents must refuse to commit one way or the other when being pressured by what is effectively a sales job. Then, remove your child from the situation, if possible, and give yourself time to research and get your wits. Talk to your pastor (but know their stance on this issue ahead of time), get in touch with Moms for Liberty or another parental rights group, and if necessary, contact an attorney.

Parents must quit thinking that they still live in a past era when societal institutions still cared about the well-being of children and respected the sacred parent-child bond. Though many don’t realize it, the left has declared cultural and spiritual war on American families — and what’s at stake are the very hearts, minds, and souls of children.

Parents must engage in this battle by educating themselves, identifying trustworthy allies, putting on spiritual armor, and being prepared to defend their children and their parental rights. The stakes have gotten way too high to do anything less.

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